Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Why do the Bengals...

...sign so many head cases?"  writes El Molé.  "Inquiring minds want to know." is the link he sent.  In the article, outed Bengals fan Robert Weintraub suggests that perhaps, for the sake of argument and reducing the desire for assasination, Mike Brown is signing criminals, idiots, and losers because they are undervalued in the current NFL marketplace. 

"Huh, exploiting market inefficiencies," I told El Molé. "The hidden genius of Mike Brown."

"His master plan is to enter a third decade without a playoff win, because with the recent ascent of the Cardinals the "rooting for a shitty team" market remains underserved."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've got to admit, he's hidden his genius well.

--El Mole