Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday's Non-Ironic Multiple Choice Quiz

Which of the following is the best defensive outfielder?
(A) Adam Dunn
(B) Manny Ramirez
(C) Luke Perry

No, folks, not THAT Luke Perry. I mean the Luke Perry who was a three-year starter on the Woodberry Forest varsity.[1]

For the definitive answer, I turned to Andrew Handelsman, baseball coach, Spanish professor, and Mets fan. After I got him to stop laughing and take the question seriously, he provided a rather hedged and nuanced answer.

I will publish his response, along with thoughts on the fading Rockies and the Adam Dunn trade, in Friday evening's post.

[1] And also an excellent AP Physics student. I don’t think Dunn and Ramirez would have done as well as Mr. Perry in my class. But I digress.

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